Saturday, February 21, 2015


Well here it goes! Day 1 of Bullet Proof diet!

I just received the bullet proof coffee in the mail last night. My first cup this morning has already impacted my day! I'm not waiting for the next chance to take a nap or going to make my fourth cup of coffee for the day.

So here goes to a New lifestyle ~ More energy ~ Weight loss!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentines day challenge

What is love? Does anyone truly know what romance is anymore?
Love is such a powerful phenomenon.
Unfortunately it has been reduced to romance, and romance has been reduced to sex.- - Christopher West.
This Valentine's day, join me in celebrating true love with all those you love!
It doesn't consist of flowers, chocolate or dates (of course, none of those are bad and receiving them is always a bonus!):
But time spent with those you love most. What is more valuable than time itself?
Communicate how you feel for those who you love!
*Let your family and friends know how much you mean to them.
*How they've impacted your life.
What greater gift could you receive than hearing how much you are loved and that you've made a difference in someone's life?
~With love, Mina~

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Word of the Day

Wanderlust: (n.) A strong desire or urge to wander or travel and explore the world.

Sunday, February 1, 2015


I began a fashion blog a few years ago... quickly ran out of ideas and had no desire to continue it. Couldn't quite make it mine. Because it wasn't me. So here goes me. Fashion advice, modesty tips, updates on life, behind the scenes of a fashion designer, adventure stories, and life lessons, and tidbits of joy to share. Hope you can relate, learn, and enjoy!
