Monday, November 12, 2018

Why Modesty?

"Modesty is always beautiful" ~ G.K. Chesterton

Can you look at yourself in the mirror without criticizing yourself? Sadly, this is the first thing we tend to do. Point out all the flaws and think of what we need to fix in order to be beautiful. Especially with women, we're fed with information on what we need to do in order to look pretty or sexy as if we're not good enough. So that becomes our constant mindset, we're not good enough. We don't need layers of makeup, brand name clothing, or excessive dieting to make us beautiful. God is our creator, therefore, we are a beautiful creation.

It's so easy to get caught up in the modern mindset of what "beauty" is. But remembering who we are is important and striving to be an authentically beautiful soul is what we are intended for. That is why modesty is so important. Modesty isn't covering up your body so as to hide yourself from the world's gaze, it's intended to direct the onlookers gaze to you as a person instead of an object. So many women walk around in tight pants and low cut shirts, angry at men for staring at them like an animal. But essentially, the way you dress indicates how you want to be addressed. So instead of getting mad at them, why not help them out? You can dress beautifully and stylish without attracting unnecessary attention to your body.

Remember that we are made in His image. We are beautifully created by God. Every day, try picking out an outfit that reveals your true beauty. Then, looking at yourself in the mirror, thank Him for making you who you are. This isn't vanity, this is appreciating the gifts He's given you and His handiwork. This is something I need to work on myself, so let's do this together! Let us begin a movement of natural self-improvement!
(Here is a picture of me appreciating the height He's given me this weekend ;-)

Women who walk in confidence, knowing they are a beautiful creation are the most attractive. They will also attract gentlemanly attention, instead of unbecoming whistles, stares, and inappropriate pick up lines. We cannot get mad at men for treating us badly if we think and dress as if we want to be treated so.

Coco Chanel said it beat, "Adornment, what a science! Beauty, what a weapon! Modesty, what elegance!"

Until next Monday!


Monday, November 5, 2018

Nevertheless She Persisted

Good morning!

This weekend I had the pleasure of running a race for the first time in too long. The pleasure didn't lie in the breathlessness, discomfort, or mental battle of running, rather in the accomplishment. If you know anything about me, it is the fact that I am anything but a morning person. Wake up at 5:45 to go run in the cold? Pure insanity. Yet, I was committed, didn't pay to register to just give up. So off I went, reluctantly, with warm coffee in hand. As we walked over to the race, the only thing my legs were saying was how against this idea they were. The sun began to rise, the crowd thickened, the energy became contagious. You can do this.

Then the race began, so much energy, this would be a breeze! My friends quickly gained distance on me, my legs felt like lead, my head began to fog. Maybe I wasn't ready. After all, I'm not a morning person. My lungs weren't ready for this cold air. My knee has been giving me problems. Every excuse to walk ran through my head. But wait, that's the first mile marker! You've already made it a mile! The crowd is cheering. No reason to give up already, you just started!

Music filled the air, crowds on the sideline cheering, occasional bursts of encouragement from fellow runners. Next thing I knew, I passed one of my friends, cheered her on and gained energy. Passed another friend. You've got this. It's all in your head. Two-thirds of the way through, no more passing anyone, older and younger runners zoomed passed. Am I slowing down? That's it, my second wind is already gone. I can't do it. Just walk for a little bit, then you can start again. But wait, is that a grown man in a stroller with a grown man pushing him? Sure enough, he was paralyzed. His friend had a sign attached to the stroller, "You can do it!". He was motivating his paralyzed friend to make it through the race. Suck it up. You have nothing to complain about.

The end is almost in sight, I made it close enough. I can walk the rest of the way. "Let's go!" My friend cheered as she quickly caught up to me. "We've got this." So we picked up speed. Then the music got louder, the Finish line was visible. Keep your eyes on Heaven, I heard in my head. The finish line was Heaven. I picked up more speed. Heaven. Life is like a race. There's one end and everything we endure on the way is leading us to that end. Sure you can give up and leave, or you can fight the good fight and make it to the ultimate goal. So fight harder, push more, encourage others, because it is worth it. Every excuse is just that, an excuse. And we can't get there alone. He gives us other people in our life to encourage us on. Don't try to do it alone either, because you never know when you might be that one friend who pushed someone through the finish line a better person then they thought they could be. The pain, suffering, mental discouragement you feel along the way is part of the battle. It is part of what makes the accomplishment worth it. You didn't give up. Sure you slowed down along the way, but you pushed through. Keep the end in sight, remember what the suffering is for. Offer it up for others who need it more than you. Remember how much He has blessed you with and use it to get to Him. To spend eternity with Him, and being in complete joy knowing that you gave it all you got.

Happy Monday!
Until next week,