Monday, March 9, 2015

Old Fashioned

Old Fashioned: Synonyms- Vintage, Antiquated, Old school

    Last time I checked in the fashionable world, you bring these qualities back into fashion, you are in.

Old Fashioned

Movie reviews are the very last thing I thought I would ever do. Then I saw this movie...

Have you ever seen a movie and felt invigorated? Usually a sports movie right? Maybe an inspirational religious movie? This movie will give you those same chills.

Ladies and gentlemen, 
  R-E-S-P-E-C-T find out what it means to mean... (Sorry couldn't resist :-) 

But SERIOUSLY! Who doesn't want to be respected? Loved? Cherished? 
       Is that something that just magically appears? Or is it something that is earned? <-- (That is what we call a rhetorical question) 

What do you believe in? Stand up for it! Stick to it! Don't give up and don't let anyone tell you it's ridiculous or silly or even old fashioned. If they do, let them know how fashionable Old fashionability is! (Yep, just made up a new word there) Tell them a fashion designer even told you so from her own research in fashion school and in the fashion industry. 

Ok, so that was a lot of use of the word fashion...

Now the question is, how do you stick to you? The world seems too influential. Answer: Create a checklist. Crazy? Maybe. But it works! I have one. It's for my future spouse which in turn applies to me. 
         Trust me, people laugh at me. They say it's ridiculous and that it won't last or work. Well, I've had it for 4 years and counting. And they're right it has changed. It's grown longer. Every time I meet someone new who seems to have potential they either add an admiral quality that I want in my future spouse or they are lacking in something necessary. 

Instead of creating this perfect Prince Charming in my mind who I may never meet, it has given me the respect. I am respected for maintaining my stance. Am I perfect? HA! Heck to the no. But I am happy, bubbly, and always optimistic! Prince Charming is out there with all of his wonderful imperfections that will irritate me, but gosh darn he will respect me and I him. And we shall live a hard and challenging life happily ever after together with our little minions.

Women of the world, don't settle. Men of the world, be bold. (Trust me, it's hot!)


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