Monday, November 12, 2018

Why Modesty?

"Modesty is always beautiful" ~ G.K. Chesterton

Can you look at yourself in the mirror without criticizing yourself? Sadly, this is the first thing we tend to do. Point out all the flaws and think of what we need to fix in order to be beautiful. Especially with women, we're fed with information on what we need to do in order to look pretty or sexy as if we're not good enough. So that becomes our constant mindset, we're not good enough. We don't need layers of makeup, brand name clothing, or excessive dieting to make us beautiful. God is our creator, therefore, we are a beautiful creation.

It's so easy to get caught up in the modern mindset of what "beauty" is. But remembering who we are is important and striving to be an authentically beautiful soul is what we are intended for. That is why modesty is so important. Modesty isn't covering up your body so as to hide yourself from the world's gaze, it's intended to direct the onlookers gaze to you as a person instead of an object. So many women walk around in tight pants and low cut shirts, angry at men for staring at them like an animal. But essentially, the way you dress indicates how you want to be addressed. So instead of getting mad at them, why not help them out? You can dress beautifully and stylish without attracting unnecessary attention to your body.

Remember that we are made in His image. We are beautifully created by God. Every day, try picking out an outfit that reveals your true beauty. Then, looking at yourself in the mirror, thank Him for making you who you are. This isn't vanity, this is appreciating the gifts He's given you and His handiwork. This is something I need to work on myself, so let's do this together! Let us begin a movement of natural self-improvement!
(Here is a picture of me appreciating the height He's given me this weekend ;-)

Women who walk in confidence, knowing they are a beautiful creation are the most attractive. They will also attract gentlemanly attention, instead of unbecoming whistles, stares, and inappropriate pick up lines. We cannot get mad at men for treating us badly if we think and dress as if we want to be treated so.

Coco Chanel said it beat, "Adornment, what a science! Beauty, what a weapon! Modesty, what elegance!"

Until next Monday!


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