Sunday, July 2, 2017

May Freedom Ring

Happy 4th of July!!!

How wonderful it is to live in such a free country! One of my favorite holidays, not only because of the food and fireworks (dynamic combo!), but also because of the unity that it brings to our great country on this day. Heck yeah, I'm proud to be American!
However, there is a responsibility that we have due to the freedom we are given. It doesn't mean that we can do whatever we want, rather that we have the ability to live our lives to the greatest extent possible! The beauty in that idea is that we are free to enable ourselves beyond measure. It gives us the chance to open our mind to more, to grow, to share, to not be restricted. Yet somehow we all tend to flow with the trends, to follow whatever is most popular, we restrict ourselves by what others are thinking. I dare you this 4th of July to truly celebrate your freedom by stepping out of the box. To spend time thinking about how you can utilize this gift and not to abuse it.

What are you most thankful for about this opportunity that we were given 241 yrs ago?

How about the fact that you get to be whoever you want? Lately I've been worn down by trying to follow the world, prioritizing money and appearance. But that's not who I want to be. Would it be nice to be rich and everyone love you? Heck yes it would! But not if that doesn't make you happy. Use this opportunity to become the best version of yourself!

This 4th, I'll be celebrating my freedom by working on my clothing line. To help enable women to dress to express their beauty. Not revealing their body, but revealing who they are as beautiful women. This way I'll be utilizing the gifts I've been given and stepping outside the box.

God bless America!

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