Monday, March 12, 2018

"You don't know you're beautiful"

 Famous words we hear in songs like this makes us stop and wonder how beautiful we are in the eyes of others. But then we stare in the mirror and see our image staring back at us. The person we know speaks the words we wish were different, the one who does things that we regret, the only being we can blame for where we are today.
You know what? Every other person on this earth is thinking the same thing. We are human. But that's what is so amazing about relationships. We are here for each other to encourage, to point out the beauty we see in each other. Not to take away from it.

    Yesterday as I got ready for church, everything I put on just didn't look as beautiful as it did on the hanger. And as I watched the clock tick away I realized it was time for me to settle on a outfit. But it was then that it hit me, I'm not going to impress others, I'm going to glorify God. So I threw on a pretty dress and some comfy shoes and headed to church.

    I hoped no one I admired saw me as I felt like a mess. Mass began and I remembered the real reason I was there. Afterwards I said a few prayers in hopes that my relationship with God would become miraculously stronger as I told Him everything I wanted. But I heard my subconscious telling me to wait and listen for Him. I heard nothing. So I impatiently went to Mary. Nothing. St. Joseph? Nothing. Well here I am, asking, wretched, pleading. I've laid it all at your feet Lord. It's time for me to go. I picked up my purse and began walking towards the door. He pulled me back. I shook my head and looked at the tabernacle, "No, you're just going to make me cry and I don't need that". So I walked closer to the door, and He pulled my heart more. "What do you want? I'm here and I can't hear you so I don't know what more you want. Why won't you just let me go?"

  Then He answered, "Just sit still. I love you". "I know" I said. "You say that all the time". He said, "No, I really love you. You are so incredibly beautiful, you are my creation", as makeup running tears ran down my cheeks and rainy weather frizzy hair popped out of my veil. He described it in words that I cannot explain but that made perfect sense. He spoke right to my heart. Quite literally. I knew it was Him. Not a made up- self encouraging- voice to pick up and move along. It was the only voice I knew could keep me going. The reason I have to strive for perfection. The reason I fail time and time again only to pick myself up and move onward.

    As we reflect on this Lenten season, let us remember the reason for the season. Our Lord, our Great Almighty, The One and Only, King of Kings, Yaweh, Our Savior Jesus Christ, died for us on a cross. The most humiliating death that He did not deserve. He did it for us. He humbled Himself for us, on this lowly earth, to show us how much we are worth, how much He loves us.

   So this Lent, let us stop looking in the mirror and comparing ourselves to the latest magazine cover in the checkout line. Rather, let us look in the mirror and see who He has created us to be. Let us look at all He has given us and ask Him how we can give it back to Him. How can we tha nk Him? How can we stop degrading ourselves and start realizing how involved He is in our lives?

You are worth more than you can fathom.

Until next Monday!

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